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Published Authors

Harriet Nalukwago
Phd Candidate School Of Education, College Of Education And External Studies, Makerere University
Effectiveness Of Human Resource Management Under The Decentralised Primary Education Policy Environment In Uganda: Prospects And Challenges
This article reports the challenges and prospects of HRM under decentralized primary education policy environment in Uganda. The study investigated the challenges associated with embracing decentralization practices in HRM which are highlighted by Rondinelli, et al (1989). Rondinelli, et al (1989) assert that “Decentralisation brings decision-making closer to the people.” The study revealed that decentraisation of HRM in UPE played

Harriet Nalukwago
Phd Candidate School Of Education, College Of Education And External Studies, Makerere University
Examining The Development System Of Human Resource Management Under Decentralized Primary Education Policy Environment In Uganda
The Paper brings out an overview of how deployment systems of HRM under decentralized primary education policy environment in Uganda. The study reveals the insignificant contribution of decentralization policy on the HR deployment system in Uganda. This is due to the national policy interference and grants from the central government which are not enough to facilitate the deployment process, of multi

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